Monday, December 30, 2013

To Allow Evil To Go Unpunished Is To Imply That Justice Is An Illusion And Freedom Is A Fantasy And God Is Meaningless To Living Life!!

To Allow Evil To Go Unpunished Is To Imply That Justice Is An Illusion And Freedom Is A Fantasy And God Is Meaningless To Living Life!!!

By Chief Elder Osiris

Be it known to understand that a Lie is no threat to the Divine Truth but the Divine Truth is always a threat to a Lie, because a Lie can only be meaningful only if the Divine Truth is not known, but the Divine Truth is Real and verifiable even when you believe it is not, so the Divine Truth is always a threat to a Lie, because a Lie can be discredited by the Divine Truth but the Divine Truth is always creditable.

So the reason why Goddess Warrior Kofi was assassinated was because she was active in sharing the Divine Truth as it refer to the cause for limited release from the way Black Afrikan people was / is treated in America, so Goddess Warrior Kofi was in fact a threat to all of those who lie and lied to Black people about what we must do to eradicate evil from being a host to the living of life by Black Afrikan people.

Now, about the term/ title Goddess, it is verified that our Cosmic Divine Ancient First Way Ancestors were in fact in the know of What the Divine Essence of all things are, and they did live a life that is Divine and they were in the know of that which cause you to be able to live life in Harmony, Order, and Balance with the nature of the universe, which come from being qualified to Critical and freely think, and what cause you to be qualified to be in command of such a mind, is to be able to profoundly Reason, be Rational and Logical when seeking the Divine Truth, because such Mental attributes have you to be in the know of what the Divine Essence, God Is, and to live life being in possession of such Divine Knowledge, cause you to be Godly in the way of Living.

Therefore, to be referred to as Goddess and Gods, only infer that you are in the know of the Divine Truth and Reality and such knowledge that have you to know what the Divine Essence, God Is, and have you to be in possession of such a Divine Truth, it verify you being in Harmony, Order, and Balance with the Divine Essence, God, which have you living as goddess and god that know what is Divinely True and what is profanely a Lie.

All Religion, regardless of its age, is of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer the Human Being, because a Religious Mind is calibrated to Believe and not to know What the Divine Essence, God Is, and to know what the Divine Essence God Is, it require for you to not be in Doubt about The Divine Essence, God, and to believe in God is to have Doubt about God, and where there is doubt there is room for lies and deception told to you about the Divine Essence, God.

It matters a Damn where religion come from, because it reveal where the root of evil reside, and where there is evil, the Divine Truth and Reality does not reside, so all that come from a mind that is evil, is a lie and performing acts of deception, and for Black people to keep trying to give creditability to religion, it only reinforce the evil that religion bring to the way you live life, because there is no compromising the Divine Truth, and that is all that religion does in the action of a believing mind about the Divine Essence, God, which is no more nor less than Energy Intelligence that is the verification of the sacred Night, Darkness, Blackness, that which is space that is Eternal, Everlasting, Infinite in its Existence, It being the cause for all things Being physical and not physical, having no beginning nor ending.

So, all of the Deities personified that claim to be representing the religious God, come from the evil mind of Black Folks oppressors, they who took the information left to us Black people , stole it, pladegrized it, and transformed it so we could be made to believe it come from the Mind of a Religious God who revealed such sorted and profane information concerning “Himself” and what is required of you, regarding the religious God, which is to worship God and Fear “HIM” with all of your believing mind, the source where all evil flow out from about the European, Judaeo/Christian, and Arab God.

The Objects Deified by our Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, were in fact that which is the Element of Life being in Form to Live, and not in form to exist, only existence is eternal, Living is not everlasting, and infinite, Only Life is, and it is Dark Energy being the Essence of All things, because only Darkness extend Infinitely in Existence, having no beginning nor Ending, the ultimate expression of the Divine Essence, God Presence.

So, the Blackness of Night, the Sun-Star,-Heat, the Moisture -Water, -Oxygen, the Wind-Air, Breath, and the Atomic Particle-Planets-Earthly, such are the Deities which our Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors did in fact not worship, but acknowledged to be that of the Hydrogen source that cause Motion-Life, the components for Life in form to be Lived.

So, there is a fundamental difference in Divine Spirituality and Religious Spirituality, and it is Religious Spirituality that has control of the world today, Spirituality being no more than an act of behavior, and in a Religious world, Evil stand to be supreme in the disguise presenting a God that is in need to be worshipped, offering a condition of reward and punishment, one for so call obedience and one for disobedience in complying or not, with “His” Commandments, He, Being the Devil, Satan, Lucifer The Human Being, which have you today, not knowing what God Is and that the Divine Truth is the Greatest Threat To Lies,\.

Therefore, to Lie about God, the Divine Essence, is the Greatest Act Of Evil to be committed in the act of Living Life, and Religion does just that, Lie About God!!!.

To not present Reparation as the source of our Freedom that will carry us out from the Diaspora, it leave you without a foundation strong enough to combat Evil, because only the Divine Truth is an over match for Evil, and Freedom come from there being a foundation of Divine Truth and Reality, and Truth and Reality is that, if Afrika is ever to become for the Afrikan again, and the Freedom of Unity is to ever embrace the Black Nation again, Then Reparation must become the reason for our action in combating Evil in America, in Afrika, and the World, because Afrika and Black Afrikans Freedom will in fact have an impact upon the World, without Freedom for Afrika and Black Afrikan People, the World will remain to be persuaded by the Mind Of Evil.

So Beloved, From The Beginning Of Our Enslavement To The Present Day, All those who have come before us sharing what the cause is for our wretched condition, offering to you limited release if you would do certain things that have you remaining in the Diaspora seeking civil rights, they who spoke so eloquent about Pan-Afrikanism, Claiming Black Nationalism, but never to hold up the banner that represent Freedom for Afrika and Unity for a Divided Black Nation, they did and do come short of being the voice crying for freedom in the wilderness of Black oppression.

Such Black Leaders and did before and and do now, fail Black people by not sharing with Black people that which is qualified to bring about Salvation to Afrika and Black Afrikan people, which is Reparation alone, that represent Freedom, Justice, and Independence For The Black Afrikan Nation, to come only in Afrika, otherwise, we remain as is, a Ignorant of Self and begging Black Afrikan people, wanting and not willing to fight for what we need, which is freedom away from the evil of America, they who have capture the Mind of most Black people, by having us to believe today, that Race does not matter anymore, but sure as Hell did matter when Enslaving our Afrikan Ancestors.

The Divine Truth, Black Folks Have Been Conditioned To Dispise The Divine Truth.


Chief Elder
All Rights Reserved @ 2013

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