Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Last Missive To Be Shared With You This Year

My Last Missive To Be Shared With You This Year.

May The Year To Come, Be More Prosperous For The Collectiveness Of Black Afrikan People, Whose Mind Is The Door Way To Our Freedom Or Our Continued Destruction.

Much Divine Thought Loaded With Humbly Affection To All Of Our Black Afrikan People.

Now, The Missive:

If the Devilishness of Patrick Henry with the evil of mind, can be so adamant against his fellow man denying to him his freedom to be govern the way he desire to be govern, can issue a proclamation in defiance to Government over ruling and rising above the people that give the privilege to a Government be Govern by, can be so aware of the importance of having Liberty to live his life without domination by the Government of any design, to emphatically state, Give To Him Liberty Or Death, because Life is not meant to be lived without Freedom, then why in Hell can not Black people come to term with Death to be able to prefer Freedom over the Mental domination by others with a history of oppressing Black people.

Beloved, Death is a common denominator to Living, and Freedom is Life Sum Total for you Being, so there should not be anything that stand before you that mean more to you than Freedom to Live Life as you so desire to Live it, and when somebody come along and prevent you from living life freely, then you too should be so determine to be free to the point that you will so declare unto yourself and to all others, that it must be Reparation paid to our Enslaved Ancestors, or Death in our effort to collect our Ancestors Reparation.

Reparation represent Freedom for our Enslaved Ancestors, and as long as our Enslaved Ancestors are not Free, so is not the Descendants of those Enslaved Ancestors, which happen to be those Black people in the Diaspora America without their consent given to be here in America.

Fear is a monster and Death has been made out to be its cause, when in fact Death is not to be Feared, just understood, because we can not Live Life without Death being a companion to you Living.

You can not have Life without Death, the two come as a package to living, the moment that you are Born, Death become your destination, Living Life, Death is inevitable, so, the meaning and purpose of Living is to enjoy with pleasure the perks of Life, which is Freedom, Justice, and Independence, otherwise you forsake and demean the action of the Divine Essence, God, that which by Its Existence, You have Life to live.

Since the Divine Essence, God is the embodiment of Freedom, Justice, and Independence, then all that come forth out from the Divine Essence, come with a freedom of Mind, and it is a Free Mind that is representative of the Divine Essence, God, and Freedom has no Relationship with captivity.

The Devil do not want you Black people to get to know and Understand the veracity of Reparation, to know of such Freedom and Justice, which Reparation verify to come to Afrika and Black Afrikan people, will signal an end to all of the Repression, oppression, Subversiveness, Lying, and Deceiving of and against the collectiveness of Black Afrikan people.

Yet, here you are, ignorant of your Black Self Needs, while you make claim to be so intelligent in pursuing your Wants, and it is such pursuit that beckon Death upon your Door step of Living, not upon Life, because Life is Eternal, Everlasting, and Infinite, because it is the Motion to all that is of the Universe, and it is the Divine Essence, God Existence, that is of it all, be it physical and not physical, and do not apply any rule of engagement in the way you choose to live life, because living is limited and you suffer the consequence that arrive from those choices you make, but Life is a primary attribute of the Divine Essence, God, Life is Motion Eternally.

Therefore, Life is not in need of being saved, it is the way you live life that you need to be concerned about, because Joy, Happiness, Pleasure, Freedom of Choice come only in the process of Living, so do Profane Evil, Envy, Ego, Jealousy, Belief, Faith, and Hope, it is Affection that is guided by your Mind, and it can be for the Greater Good, or the Greater Evil, it is the quality of Mind that determine your fate in the act of Living Life.

Reparation is the weapon laying dormant in the Mind of Black Afrikan People, Wake it up and you will see a change in the world, because it will be as a sleeping Giant of Freedom and Justice for Black people has awaken, and Woe unto those who do not know of the power of a Collective Black Mind in Action Freely.

The Divine Truth, Black Folks Been Conditioned To despise The Divine Truth!!!


Chief Elder
All Rights Reserved@2013

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