Monday, August 18, 2014

Black People Need To Understand The Reason For Our Emotion When The System Execute Our Children

Black People Need To Understand The Reason For Our Emotion When The System Execute Our Children

By Chief Elder Osiris

These are sad and pitiful time for Black people, we who are influenced by people with a history of oppressing Black people, to be influenced by people with a history of disrespecting Black people, it serve as reason why Black people are so confused about the reason why we react as we do, when the system is involved in murdering our children as opposed as to when Black on Black crime is committed, when such crime can not exempt that very system that is responsible for the way Black people behave toward each other.

We Black Afrikan people make the biggest mistake by listening to white folks and Black uncle Toms give their analysis as to why Black people respond to the killing of our children committed by institutions that represent the system, their opinion is tainted against the Divine Truth why Black people react as we do for a moment, when a Black child is killed openly by the system unjustly.

The system does not make it a practice of committing self condemnation, and Black people failed leadership, in their mind, has more to gain by supporting the system they work for, than to be committed to Justice for Black people.

Therefore, the game is played in seducing the Mind of Black people, by the oppressors and Toms pretending to be just as upset over the killing of our Black children as the parents of those children.

For instance, in America where there is a history of victimizing Black people and the seed of unjust prejudice is deeply rooted in the mind of white people about Black people, it is that fact alone that prevent white people from being able to see why it is that Black people are the target of destruction by the system that to this day, justify the institution of Chattel Slavery, which has a lot to do with how Black people behave toward a system of Racism and unjust prejudice toward Black people today, as for the weak minded Black uncle tom leadership, they just follow the lead of those they work for and submit to, which mean they are not to be trusted to defend valiantly the Divine Rights Black people should be privileged too.

Why is it that white people try and convince Black people in time of committing property damage, that the property being under attack is in the Black community and we should relate to that property as being Black folks useful property and we should not attack that property, because we are damaging ourselves by doing so, but what white folks do not want to acknowledge is that, by Black people attacking property located in the Black community, it does not mean that Black people identify with that property as being that of Black people usefulness, such is a perspective of white people and obviously not Black people doing the attacking.

Because all in America is identified as being part of that same system with a spirit of oppressing Black people, because regardless of the false face white people put on, portraying themselves to be color blind, the fact of the matter is that there is a divide between Black and white people primarily, and not until the issue of Racism, unjust prejudice against Black people, is resolved, there is going to be always disharmony between Black and Non Black people, when freedom and justice is the aim and goal of Black people.

White on Black killing carry a different connotation than Black on Black killing, which is the reason why Black people react differently when Black people are killed by white people than when Black people kill Black people, in the mind of Black people the act itself carry the same underlining cause, which is the system of white folks is the evil that has Black people behaving as we do, even when we are killing each other, which have the system of white people to be the main factor that have Black people behaving as we do, and even most Black people do not understand why.

How sad and a pitiful people we have become, attacking the system at certain time and allowing that same system to be the motivating factor that have Black people killing Black people, as we cry out for tolerance from a system with a history of abusing and killing Black people at will and even have Black people killing each other having Black people to be acting the fool the system has made us to be, as it control the Mind of Black Afrikan people.

The Divine Truth is, Most Black People Despise The Divine Truth, Because It Is That Quality Of Truth That Reveal To Black People The Fool We Have Been Made To be.

The question is, What Do Black Folks Want, Why Do They Keep Demonstrating , Michael Brown Is Dead and Will Not be coming Back, and even if the killing officer is convicted, what do we do, we wait for the next Systematic Killing, so that we can all over again, Demonstrate against a Systematic behavior toward Black people that will not change, because Good and Evil will never dwell in the same house in peace.

So, what is the solution to stop the killing of Black people by a system of Racism and Unjust Prejudice, well, Black folks must come to know that America does not belong to Black people, and the fact that Black people live under the influence of white people in America, having no power and authority that white people respect, the only rational alternative is for Black people to reject America, and with all determination, organize to demand our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, but oh no, Black people do not have the quality of mind that will have Black people to know that our place on this Earth is Afrika and in Afrika is where we must go to find Freedom, Justice and Independence and we do so by our Action to generate Black Afrikan Respect for each other, and that respect will have us to know what we must do to have Afrika to be for the Black Afrikan and to have a United State Of A Continental Afrika.

Divine Respect


Chief Elder
Pan Afrikan Inter'Nationalist Movement (PAIN)
Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement
All Rights Reserved@2014

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