Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Arrogant Wickedness That Come From White Folks In Authority

The Arrogant Wickedness That Come From White Folks In Authority

By Chief Elder Osiris

Listen Black people with a mind under your control and those who need to use not the mind of the oppressors of Black people, do not allow the wickedness of white folks arrogance influence you into believing that to divide yourselves is alright for you, as they attempt to have you the Black people living in Ferguson believing that there is such a thing as Black people having not the freedom and compassion to feel the injustice that come from white folks system of control when that system kill our child / children.

There is no such a privilege as an outsider in term of Black people converging on Ferguson to express our disappointment and dissatisfaction against what is a systematic pattern in killing unjustly Black children, in Divine Black Community of Black Afrikans, no Black child is of the exclusive ownership of anybody Black who happen to be the biological parents who gave birth to that child.

Jn the divine Mind of inclusive monolithic Black Afrikan Relationship, every Black child is the responsibility of the whole of Black people collectively, and when a systematic wrong is committed against a Black child by a known criminal of Black people, then all Black people, regardless of geography, has the right, the responsibility to protect and or voice our objection in the town the crime was committed in, against the Black child.

There is no such a recognition of so call outsider in regard to Black people converging on Ferguson, Black people has a responsibility to go to Ferguson or any Damn place where there is systematic killing going on unjustly,,

Our Black children, regardless of the wicked arrogance being displayed by white folks making claim that only those Black people not of the immediate resident of Ferguson is so up set to the level that civil disobedience is acted out in the process of protesting against the killing of Michael Brown, the Black child now dead as white folks in media and other authorities position that have them in position of influence making claim Black people do not have the sentiment of mind to act out their frustration over the unjustly killing of our Black children.

White folks reveal their deception when acting wickedly arrogant, as they attempt to analyze a situation that involve white law authority killing Black children, who in their Divine Mind and is Black, is influenced by those media clowns, Black and white, making all kind of assertions about what is going on in Ferguson Missouri and making light of the fact that a Black child is dead for no just reason.

Being a law enforcement officer, there come risk with such a responsibility to defend and protect the community, and it also mean the Black community as well, so in the present of danger, there do not come open season for killing Black youth, pulling that weapon should be the last thing that is done, in view of the quality of training required to become a law enforcer of the government system of protection.

There are so many Black people who are so easily persuaded and influenced by white folks and their Nigger pimps, and being of such a weak mind is what have the sustem killing Black youth at will and receive no punishment for their crime, no different than how America behave toward Black people in America not by choice, which have us Black people to be the children of our Enslave Ancestors, people that was abused mutilated, raped and murdered while being victims of Chattel Slavery, treatment of Black Afrikans by America, and America with its wicked arrogance till this day is refusing to pay to our Enslaved Ancestors their Reparation.

Now that is what the fight for justice should be about, which require every Black Afrikan on Earth and you most certainly will not be considered as outsiders expressing your objection to the willing neglect America show toward our Enslaved Ancestors, leaving the children of those Enslaved Ancestors to use any means necessary to cause the payment of a debt long over due to our Enslaved Ancestors.

In a Divine Relationship to demonstrate our objection to killing our Black youth and we come where the crime is committed to show our pain, suffering and objection with Black people by Black people from other area of America, there is no such a relationship to be label as being outsiders.

Divine Respect


Chief Elder
Pan Afrikan Inter'Nationalist Movement (PAIN)
Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement
All Rights Reserved@2014

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