Friday, January 17, 2014

There Are So Many Black People That Is So Ingrained In America, Until There Is No Want Of Them To Be Away From America

There Are So Many Black People That Is So Ingrained In America, Until There Is No Want Of Them To Be Away From America!!!

By Chief Elder Osiris

Isn't it amazing how Black people can grow with such animosity toward other Black people who have not the forked tongue of our oppressors, a tongue that spew out information to Black people that is not in the best interest to Black people, which reveal a tongue that is under the control of a Mind that is without the working ability to display a Divine spirit, and without such a mind, prepares the way for a spirit without Divine discipline, and to act profanely.

It is not Divine Representative of Black people to try and serve both Afrika and America, you are either going to reveal that you love one and despise the other, by your conversation and inaction, as you remain trying to get white folks America to accept you as their own kind, as you perform the act of being a Black Afrikan American, an act that reveal your desperation to be American and to be as the oppressors of Black people are, every time you indicate no interest to act in the best interest of Afrika, and you have no desire that come from you, that will have you to demand our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, as you end up lying about who you are and what your desire is for Afrika.

It is your talk that reveal your belief, and your spirit is what reveal the quality of your mind, and it is woe unto you who have not the mind to condemn America for the role America has played in Enslaving our Afrikan Ancestors, as you strain to have Black people not to hate the evil that America has caused to visit the mind of Black people, a mind of the devil that do not condemn the institution of Chattel Slavery, an institution operated in America, and now it is America who deny the debt owed to our Enslaved Ancestors, by the payment of Reparation.

It is the foolish Black American who attempt to minimize the importance of Reparation, and in doing so, you minimize your importance to the Black Race, as you attempt to shield and protect your ignorance by holding up the Devil Religion as your protective cover, something only those Black Americans would do, as they are so ingrained in the fabric of America, which has a history of teaching Black folks to be a fool for America and Religion.

You can not have a goal of being a Black Afrikan American, and be convincing in claiming to be a Pan Afrikan and Black Nationalist advocate, one claim contradict the other, and in contradiction, games are played about being serious about your Blackness, because your goal will always be to get America to be your mentor and not Afrika.

There are Black people that is so ingrained into America, until all that we say and do, it shame Afrika, and disrespect our Afrikan Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, we spend most of our time encouraging Black people to do what Black people should do, in order to become American, and all Americans are control by Those in charge of the Government that Govern Americans, not at the consent of the people of America, but under the authority of the few who control America.

If there are any sincere Black Afrikans today, what you should do, is determine your options in America, and if you conclude that the action of Black people in America should be satisfied in just being in and of America, having you to be in agreement to be a fool in and for America, then what ever you say or do concerning Afrika and Black people, is not to be trusted, as your spirit reveal how deeply ingrained you are in America, you being the making of a traitor to the Race of Black people.

The Skills that leads to our Liberation, is Thinking, being Reasonable, being Rational and Logical, Understanding, and Wise, such skills of the Mind, all being in action, will assure you what is required of you, in order to Liberate Afrika and Unite A Mental Fast Dying Black people, you who are no longer a Nation to be reckon with respect, nor to be acknowledged as intelligent Black people, all because you have become so ingrained into America, and now have not a desire to be free, and Reparation is Afrika and Black people Freedom.

Not to know and Understand that which I share with you Black people, Is no Fault Of My Own, but is the ignorance that come from a Mind that you do not own.

There is no Freedom and Justice to be enjoyed by Black people in America, because you are the Freedom, Justice, and Independence that the world is in need of, as you fraternize with the Devil, Satan, Lucifer The Human Being, he being Corporate America in which you now are ingrained, today.

The Divine Truth, Most Black People Despise The Divine Truth, And you now Respect The Profane Lies Of Religion.


Chief Elder
All Rights Reserved@2014

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