Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Should Black people reject being identified as Black people for the acceptance of being identified as Afrikan only?

Well, should Black people reject being identified as Black people for the acceptance of being identified as Afrikan only?

Has the white man succeeded in having Black people to hate ourselves to the extent that to be Black in the world of white folks, is a detriment to Black people, that is if we want, not need, to transfigure mentally the term Black socially and racially, in a world of white and mulatto people, an ethnicity socially and racially accepted without ridicule.

The term Black has been given a stigma of being the representative of Ugly, Evil and Horrible experiences, the identity of everything that bring to you unpleasantly, sorrow, and pain while living.

Black People Trading Our Black Identity Would Be The Root Of All Of Our Evil, and would be the act that will sustain our self ignorance, the state of the mind of Black people that prevent the rise of our self awareness, and without it, there is no salvation to be experienced by Black people, in and out of Afrika.

The Divine Heritage of the Divine Beings, happen to be our Biological identity and not our graphical identity, and the Divine Uniqueness of the Divine Being identity, is the pigment appearance of the Divine Being, which has to do with the DNA which we have inherit from our Divine Ancient Cosmic Black First Way Ancestors, which have our True and Divine Heritage to be the Biology of our Blackness.

Anytime you hear of Black Folks who represent the paragon of ignorance, attempting to demean the importance of our pigment, Black, which is of the so call color scheme classification created by white folks, and Black Afrikan people start making an issue about how we should today identify ourselves, such be the time to begin labeling those Negroes as Traitors to the Sacredness of Blackness.

Black people, we who are of the Continent, Afrika, which is classified as organic Black beings who also is of a variation of shades that maintain its indication of relationship to the primary color scheme, Black or Dark, which indicate an absence of light.

We must always hold up with pride, our Black identity, suggesting that we Black Afrikans should never excuse ourselves from being identified as Black people, we must always recognize our Divine identity of not being just Afrikans, which only indicate where Black people live on Earth, and do not identify the Biological and cultural identity of those people whose resident, primarily reveal the Divine Beings presence on Earth at a location white folks refer to as Afrika.

The pigment of a people, verify the shade of the Beings that Walk upright and is behaving displaying an intelligence that is uniquely expressed in such a way it is evident that reason is a process that have such a people speaking and acting rational, which is evidence of a people intelligence.

Afrika/Afrikan, such is not a means for identification of a particular Race of people, there are many Race of people that occupy this planet Earth, and Human Being is not an all encompassing Race, it is a Race of a particular ethnic group, people of the Caucasian related identity.

Race has to do with the biological formation, appearance, and cultural identity of a specie, in this case, the specie under observation happen to be those Divine Beings with a Dark pigment, having them to be of the "Black Race", living originally on this Earth in a place call Afrika, which have them to be Divinely recognized as a Black Afrikan Race of people who are a Race of Divine Beings and not of the Human Beings Race.

Mental conditioning is an evil beyond measure, it will have you despising Nature design of those species that is of the Biological web of intelligence, having a method of reasoning that is relative to each own kind, representing the socializing of all biological species, being of a design that verify the sociology of separate and not equal, such be the blue print that reveal the building blocks of living Beings, all being because of the action, not of man, but of Nature Design.

Black is a Divine Entity that is sacred by its mere presence, it is the Divine Essence, out from which all things physical and not physical appear, and the evidence of its presence, is Light and its various color scheme, which has no domination over Darkness/Black, because without Blackness, no form of Beings live, which would have it to be no need for life.

So, to make an attempt while being under the control and guidance of ignorance, to suggest to Black people to disassociate ourselves away from our Divine identity, Blackness, in exchange for a superficial biological geographical identity, is to insult the Intelligence of our Ancient Divine Cosmic First Way Ancestors, they who were/are the organic verification of our Divine Black identity.


Chief Elder

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