Friday, April 4, 2014

The Philosphy Of Always Love And Never Hate Is What Is Killing Black Afrikan People

The Philosphy Of Always Love And Never Hate, Is What Is Killing Black Afrikan People!!!

By Chief Elder Osiris

Have you ever notice the so call Black Afrikans who promote themselves to be so intelligent, Loving, and forgiving of everybody that has been a Liar and Deceiver, an abuser, Enslaver, and Murderer of Black Afrikan people, they take pride in being under the yoke of Lucifer the Human Being Doctrinal Religious teaching, which have you to always Love and Never Hate those and that do not return such emotional behavior to Black people?

Well, those Black Afrikans who are victims of such Mental weakness, can not and never will be of benefit to Black Afrikan people, a people who have been placed mentally in a state of self ignorance and is full of confusion about the Theological and Scienctific Nature concerning the Living of Life.

Who told you that the Emotion of so call Love is more vitureous than Hate, each Emotional expression has its cause for such an effect, one is no more a disadvantage to you than the other, when used and expressed appropriately.

Yet, it is the Spiritual expression of so call Love that serve more so to be a detriment than Hate is, to Black Afrikan people, because to Love without boundaries and conditions, is the expression of a Fool, and being foolish in a Time required for you to be wise, make you to be an enemy to Justice, Freedom, and Independence, and such principals are what the so call Black Afrikan is in need of today.

Where did the so call Love everybody come from, who told you that Love give to you freedom and Hate cause you to be in captivity?

Who told you Love Is God And God Is Love, When You Do Not Know Who In The Hell Your Black Self Is, which have you not to know what God Is.

Who told you that it is better to Love than to Hate, and that you must Love Everybody, regardless of what they have and is doing to your Black behind to make your Living misery, full of suffering, and to Hate such evil, will have you to be out of favor with God, in a state of depression and full of self imposed guilt, which will have you living in a state of self condemnation, while Loving your Enemy will not.

Such a philosophy of Love, concerning Living Life, feed upon an evil mind and aid and abet in maintaining Lucifer the Human Being in maintaining control of your Mind, the Mind that has been developed from the Doctrine of Religion, the source from which the philosophy about Love originated from and how it must reign supreme over Hate, even when the two emotion is based upon the condition that cause the spirit of Living Life, spirit is attitudinal behavioral expression.

The philosophy of Love unconditionally and to Love even while suffering, you showing no other emotion but Love, to what is causing your suffering, such is the philosophy of Religion, and it is Religion that has served and still is serving as the weapon of mass destruction of the so call Black Afrikan people.

It is that so call Love philosophy that has Afrika as it is today and the Black Afrikan people to be a Divided and confused Black people, concerning the way Life is to be Naturally Lived, which is Divinely, in Harmony, Order, and Balance, being obedient to the Law of the Cosmos, which is predicated upon the Duality of Opposites, meaning to all things while Living Life, there is a Time and a Cause and Effect.

Which Mean, in a profane state of being and the expression of your Spirituality, no one extreme is acceptable in the act of Living, such Living of Life must be in response to those events that cause an effect to be upon the way you Live, and if the effect is that which bring pleasure, joy, and freedom to Living, that is the Greater Good to Living, but if such events cause the effect upon your Living Life, brought on by Mankind, to be that of suffering, Pain, and being in captivity, then you have the obligation to the way you have been made to Live in such condition, to Hate the cause that has brought on such an effect upon Living your Life, and to Hell with the extreme act of so call Love.

The philosophy of Love Everybody, and Hate nobody, is the Love that originate from Lucifer the Human Being and is enforced by Lucifer, the Devil, Satan, Religion, as its Doctrine capture the Mind of the Believer, preventing you from having the freedom to Critical Think, and for you Black so call Afrikans to preach Love to be supreme over Hate, is the doctrine of the Devil himself, he being Lucifer the Human Being, they who is with a history of Stealing From and Erasing from the original Mind of Black people that which is Divinely True and Real in the act of Living Life.

A Religious Guided Mind, is a Mind that now control Most Black Afrikan People, and such a people today, know nothing about the Spirituality that flow from the Mind, and it is the Mind that set the course of Direction for the way you are to express yourself in the process of Living Life, and a Mind that does not Think, is a Mind that submit to the philosophy of Love everybody and Hate nobody, and only the Black Afrikan follow such an evil philosophy, created by Lucifer the Human Being, for a once Divine Black Being.

There Is No Way Afrika will ever be again for the Black Afrikans, and the Black Afrikans being a United Black Divine Being of a Nation United again, not as long as it is Religion that is in control of the Mind of so call Black Afrikan people, and it is the Religious Mind that is the Devil that reside inside of the so call Black Afrikan mind, today.

So, not until we correct such a defect of the Mind of Black people, there is nothing that we do or say, that will take root in the Devil Mind of Religion, and all of our Talking and Planning, crying about a need for us to be organized, all such talk is as Chaff before the Wind, having not a Divine Mind to serve as a foundation capable of having the Chaff (talk) to take Root upon such fertile Mind, as Black people live with the Mind of Lucifer the Human Being, the Creator Of The Institution Of Religion.


Chief Elder
All Rights Reserved@2014

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