Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Emotion "Love" Is As A Mill Stone Hanging Around The Mind Of Black People

The Emotion Love, Is As A Mill Stone Hanging Around The Mind Of Black People!!!
By Chief Elder Osiris

Love Is Not A State Of The Heart, It Is A State Of Mind!!!

There is Only One other Term that measure up to the term Love that have done more damage to the Mind of Black people, and have Black people to be the paragon of ignorance, because, a people who have no knowledge of who they are, is a people that can be told anything about themselves and they will believe what is told about themselves, is True.

Black people have been deceived by the use of two terms that now control the mind of Black people, such terms are Love and Jesus, they perform in a profane mind of Black people, as weapon of mass destruction, preventing Black people from being able to Think with profound Reason and Logic, which have Black people to be an irrational people.

The proof of Black people irrationality is the way Black people have allowed ourselves to embrace a concept using the precept of belief, concerning the use of the words, Jesus and Love, believing that the two are mutually inclusive, as we have been conditioned to believe in a God we been made to identify as Love, and a people whose mind has been so mutilated, is not in the possession of their organic Mind, but is in possession of a profane mind that is infested with the chemicals of evil, its attributes being lies, and deception, among many others, and a people under the guidance of such a mind, is spiritual suicidal.

Based upon the way Lucifer the Human Being have conditioned Black people to believe about his God, and has associated that God with the term Love, making claim that Love conquer all things evil, such a belief about Love, is what has Afrika to be as it istoday and have most Black people to be the illuminated self idiots in the world today.

Because, only a people who is ignorant of who they are, can become so consumed by a manufactured term call Love, and associate it to the Body organ referred to as the Heart, which has no relationship with Love and Jesus, and if you are living under the control of those two terms of a word, Jesus and Love, then you have relinquished all ability to Freely Critical Think, and a Mind that does not freely Think, is a mind under the control of Jesus and Love, both are fantasies to the Heart.

Love has been made to be the paragon of deception, it have you believing to choose Love in the moment of your suffering, it is the choice that Jesus associate with, thus Love and Jesus have you believing that to suffer in the course of living, it is Love that you should embrace over being self protective of your Mind and body.

So, you must be qualified to see, that it is Love that prevent Black people from being in relationship with Freedom, Justice, and Independence, because you are told it is the Love to the Heart that you must allow to control you, and not the Divine Force of the Mind you should allow to protect you from the evil that now oppress, surpress, depress, and deceive you today, in the name of Jesus, it being Love and Jesus that now cause Black people to be a Mental ill people without the Divine Mind to have you to obey the First Law of the Nature of the Cosmos, which is Self-Protection.

Love is a passion word that Black people choose over the expressive experience, Freedom, Jesus over Garvey, one point you to a seat in a fantasy Heaven and the other point you to the reality of your Earthly Home on this planet, one you enjoy after Living Life, and the other you can enjoy while Living Life on Earth, today, and one is a fantasy based upon belief, while the other is a Reality based upon your action of thoughtful self protection, now.

Reparation will come only by the Demand that come from your Action, allowing Love and Jesus not to interfere with your ability to Divinely Reason about what we must do, in order to receive our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation/Freedom from America Lies and Deception, the two being synonymous to Love and Jesus.


Chief Elder
All Rights Reserved@2014

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