Thursday, April 14, 2022

A Black Afrikan Garvian Nationalist That I Am

I Am A Black Afrikan Separatist Integrationist And Not A Integration Assimilationist, only One constitutes the Black Nationalist Philosophy, which the Black Afrikans have abandoned today!!!

There needs to be a resurgence of Black Nationalism an emergence of such a spiritual expression by Black Afrikan people, that is the way all serious Black Afrikans reveal the seriousness of being in control of the Soul of the Black Afrikan Race and reveal the difference in being Racist and Racial in expressing the Black Afrikan self, collectively!!!

The Lies Being Told About What Constitute The Spirit Of Black Nationalism

The Lies Being Told About What Constitute The Spirit Of Black Nationalism Separatism Which I Subscribe To As A Black Afrikan Liberation Philosophy!!!

I am a Marcus Garvey Black Afrikan Nationalist Separatist which has to do with having a Love For Godly Freedom, Self, And The Afrika Afrikan Race Of Black people collectively.

Black Nationalism has everything to do with hating the Evil of the Racist Racism,, Segregation, and Discrimination based on the belief of white superiority over Black Afrikan People.

I do not subscribe to my Black Afrikan Nationalism based on a superficial belief confessing to Black Nationalist Domination over white people and their surrogates, that would be a copying of the evil spiritualism of a white racist nationalist philosophy of white superiority over Black Afrikan people, a philosophy that most if not all white people of all racial white substratum believe and is proved to be by the way white people has indoctrinated the world to believe about the shade of Blackness making claim that the shade Black indicate inferiority attached to any and everything that is Black which is evil representing to be anti-Godliness having nothing to do with the Greater Good in the process of living life!!!

Black Nationalism Represents Black Godliness, it expresses deep love and devotion for self and Afrika, and it's all about living in Harmony, order, and Balance with the Infinite Universe, and being is a physical part of the physical universe, being a part of the physical universe finiteness having no tolerance for the evil of racist dominance expressed in Racism, and the evil of unjust prejudice and discrimination against Black Afrikan people.

A Divine Black Nationalist concentrates on the need when not in your possession, Freedom, to the Black Nationalist, without Freedom you have no acquaintance with the Universal Infinite Nature Of God, it's what constitutes your Nationalism, your Universalism.

You see, there is a physiological difference between being Racial and being Racist, one is based on lies and deception while the other is of the Greater Good being your natural design because Blackness represents the higher order of completeness, there is no other color that supersedes the Godliness of Blackness, it is the Infinite Spatial Energy Intelligence.

So to be a Black Nationalist is to be a Godly Universalist in Divine wakeful presence being beyond conscious but with an awareness that has you to know the sacredness of Black Universal Afrika Nationalism.

So I do not need the white racist Luciferian to define who I am or what I Represent, such knowledge is beyond the scope of a Racist Luciferian Mind that is with a habit of telling lies about the Glorification of Black Nationalism Universalism, God in Perpetuity and so is my Black Nationalism which is a must to be if we are going to be successful in collecting our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation Repatriation, so beware of the impostors out fanning the false flames of advocating for welfare Reparation all alone without its twin Repatriation back to Afrika is what the Reparation Repatriation our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors have earned from enduring the evil institution of Chattel Slavery!!!

Black Nationalism Beget Black Afrikan Freedom.

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