Sunday, April 24, 2022

Black People Don't Take Our Presence Serious Enough To Know The Power Of Our Blackness

We cheat ourselves from getting to know ourselves by allowing others to define us and classify us in a racist prejudiced anti-natured society hell motivated to maintain control over who obviously is Divine Cosmic Universal Beings, being of the template of the infinite energetic intelligent universe, space, time, Infinitum, having no beginning and no ending, we wearing the birthmark of all of that infinite Black universal power.

Yet, we allow what comes from it identifying its presence as Day to define and classify what an intelligent mind of a physical Being would not attempt to do, out of respect of the power of the presence of that attempting to be given meaning to, which have no meaning.

Us being what and who we are on all levels of existence, physical and appearing not to be physical, being that which is of the Divine Essence of everything, Divine Dark Energy Infinite Intelligence verified by the nature of things being in harmony, order, and Balance in the interaction with each other, God infinitum is its spiritual characteristic, being subject to nothing that move and appears not to move.

Life is the foundation of all things and the Greater Good-God is the Divine Essence of it all, intelligence is the God Force of all that be and is, needing to prove its presence to nothing because there is no such a presence dwelling in all there are in the infinite presence of Darkness, energy of everlasting in eternal existence, the Godly Infinite Universe.

To deny your Blackness is is a sign of your conversion, no longer in tune with the Divine Nature of you being, physical you remain but a transformation of mind and spirit you now live under the possession of that did not come with the Divine nature of you being in the physical verified by the nature of your soul and spirit which is not under your control today.

Such is a sign that you no longer are serious about knowing yourself anymore, a sign of the fall from your natural state if Divinity having you to no longer be respectful to thyself, which is no longer Divine, living in conflict with the nature of your organic design.

Knowing thyself is Divine, Believing what is told about thyself is profane, you can't be serious about you not knowing you!!! osiris

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