Saturday, July 12, 2014

America is no safe haven for Black people even though we have been conditioned to believe so

Avram Goldberg -MESSAGE FROM AVRAM GOLDBERG, elite Rothschild banker, to the people of America..........

Dear sheeple:

We, the ancient, elite, supremely wealthy, banking families own your politicians. They do our bidding, not yours.

Our plan, as part of the New World Order, is to weaken the USA through massive immigration, dilution of your moral values, and making you an obese, lazy, and passive people. We have pretty much succeeded in our goal.

On of our best servants is "Puffy Daddy," which is our affectionate nickname for John McCain. He does whatever we, the banking elite, tell him to do. For that, we keep him in wealth and power. He owns 7 huge mansions in resort areas worldwide. Notice how arrogant he is. He learned that from us.

Hahahahaaa! We love to use our media to manipulate your weak and easily influenced minds to think as we wish you to think. So very few of you are actually conscious. The vast majority are deep within the mental matrix we created to enslave your minds.

Get ready to bow low, as our New World Order grows near. Your true masters will finally take their masks off and reveal themselves to you.

Elite Rothschild banker

The Missive above, by Goldberg, though might be a pen name of a Black Afrikan, but either way, the missive is accurate in its assertions about Black Afrikan people of economic means.

I have been sharing with you Black Afrikans, the importance for Black people to unite, become organized around an agenda that will serve to the Greater Good of Afrika and Black Afrikan people, yet because of our weakness of mind, as Goldberg alludes to, Black people remain a victim of belief, believing in America white filthy wealthy, they in whom the seed of Racism, Unjustified Prejudice, discrimination, lies and deception reside to be acted out against Black Afrikan people.

It is the filthy wealthy that teach his own kind to act and believe toward Black Afrikan people as they do, so anywhere Black Afrikans are, we are surrounded by Racism, Unjustified Prejudice, and discrimination being acted out against Black Afrikan people.

So, Hell No, America is no safe haven for Black people, even though we have been conditioned to believe so, even in Afrika, Black people are no longer in control of our Life, and it is all because Black Afrikans are a disorganized lost of our Divine Mind people.

The one thing that will throw the world in deep depression, the white world I am making reference to, is for Black Afrikans to reject white folks to be the guide they have enforced themselves to be for Black Afrikan people.

In no way do white folks expect Black people to tell them to go to Hell where they came from, and we choose to rise up with one voice of Mind, demanding our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation!!!

Beloved Black Afrikans, Reparation is the only offense we Black folks have that the oppressors do not have a defense against, other than to bluff us into not rising up with one mind Demanding Reparation for our Enslaved Ancestors, which is not a Demand for Welfare, but a Demand for payment of a Debt owed to our Enslaved Ancestors, which is long over due, and it is Reparation rhat will allow the Descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors to return them home to Afrika, not as settlers, not as beggars or looking for sympathy from the Afrikans in Afrika, but as Blood relatives with a right to land in Afrika, and in Afrika is where the Descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors will become the next established state in Afrika, which will serve as a sign of the beginning of an Afrikan Revolution to take place for the purpose to have Afrika the Continent to be for the Black Afrikan and for Black Afrikans to become again, A Black Afrikan United Nation.

Impossible? Hell No, not if Black people develop the desire to hear who we Black people are.

The Divine Truth? Chief Elder Osiris Is Available To In Your Physical Presence, To Share The Divine Truth With Black Afrikan People

Divine Respect



Chief Elder

Pan Afrikan Inter;National Movement

Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement

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