Friday, July 11, 2014

Black People Have Been Deceived, For God Is Marked To Show Favor To The People Who Created Him

Black People Have Been Deceived, For God Is Marked To Show Favor To The People Who Created Him!!!

By Chief Elder Osiris

Black Afrikan people will no longer be a self respecting Race again, not until we learn that the God we now serve is what hold Black Afrikans people to believe and act as we do today, a slave to our oppressors, they who have created their own God to deceive and conquer the Mind of Black Afrikan people.

So, you may ask, why Black people, well it is an established fact that Civilization on this earth came from Black People, and the quality of Civilization served as proof that there is no other people on this Earth with the intelligent potential to bring order and a Greater Goodness to a world that has been deceived to look at Black people in an inferior way, thus, it is the way accepted for Black people to live in this world, which is now controlled by a Religious belief created by Jews, Gentiles, and Arabs, they who serve as the Trinity of Evil against Black people, they being the creator of a God that show favor toward white people, while they have a History of oppressing and converting Black people to their way of believing about the God they have created for themselves.

Beloved, deception work to the advantage of the deceiver, and today, Black Afrikan people have been deceived to believe that there is a life to live as this one is, after death, and therefore, since Black people have the most to lose by believing in a God that come from the imagination of the Trinity of Evil against Black people, while living the life we are sure of, which is the life we are living today, affected by the conditions been set to deceive and demean Black people.

There is no caliber of Black Afrikan people, who if a servant to the God of our oppressors, that can be of a Greater Good to Black people, they serve to the pleasure of those who have created a God for themselves, a God to be worship by those who live by and under the Religion of Deception, worshiping a God that show favor to its creators, they being Jews, Gentiles, and Arabs, the Three main deceivers of Black Afrikan People, as for as God is to be believed to be real with a proposition to his believers, which is, serve and worship him or experience a horrible and painful life after death.

Yes, the God Black Afrikans now serve, is that God creators, as religion cause the transformation of Black Afrikan people to become as their God creators so require for Black Afrikan people to become, in mind and spirit, and a people who no longer function with their own original mind and spirit, is a people who serve and worship Jews, Gentiles, and Arab people, they being the creators of the God we Black Afrikans now worship.

So, share with me beloved Black Afrikan people, how in this Hellish World can Black Afrikan people be of any Greater Good to Afrika and to the Black Afrikan self, worshiping a God that deceive to control and conquer the mind of Black Afrikan people?

Ignorance only serve to the advantage of the Deceivers in this world and not to the deceived, and Black people are the greatest of those who have been deceived, because we Black Afrikans have been made to forsaken the knowledge we had about the Divine Essence, God, a God that is no victim of creation, but is a God of everlasting existence, being without a beginning or an ending, and most certainly do not show favor to all it has caused to be, physical and not physical, yet, that Divine Essence, have you with the freedom of will and choice, while living life in the physical realm, for there is no living life form as this form you live with now, that is beyond this life living form you now live, while being of this physical realm.

There is no Liberation of a people who have been made to despise the Divine Truth, because it is such a caliber of Truth that reveal the deception in the way Black Afrikan people been made to believe is the way life is to be lived, which is worshipping a God that is created by the mind of people who deceive and mistreat Black people by oppressing those people who wear the cover of the Divine Essence, the Divine Energy Darkness, it being the Infinite intelligence of the Divine Essence, God.

Let those of you who have a Mind that Think Divinely, know and Understand what is being shared with you at this Time, when you are deceived about God the Divine Essence of all things physical and not physical.

Beloved, know those who look like you, they are victims of the same deception, it be those Black people who choose not to advocate above all else, Reparation, that which serve to be the offense against the defense to Black Afrikans Liberation, and as Black Afrikans become free, so will Afrika become free from those who act as scavengers to the sacred Land of our mother and Father, Afrika.

Beloved, without our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, Afrika and Black Afrikan people, in and out of Afrika, remain as is today, and such a condition is a pitiful sight to behold today, we being a people who refuse to Think our way back to having a freedom of Mind and Spirit, the way our Ancient Cosmic Divine Black First Way Ancestors lived before the coming of the action of deception into our midst, and today, even some Black people serve to deceive Black people, and they be the lowest of scums among us, they making claim to be so intelligent, but have not the caliber of mind to know that the Liberation of Afrika and Black Afrikan people, hinge upon the sacredness of Reparation, it be the ship to carry us back home to Afrika, where freedom must be experienced again for Black Afrikan people, because as Afrika and Black Afrikan people goes, so goes the world.

Beloved Black Afrikan people, when you know who you are, then that is when you will know where you belong and not before then, and knowledge come from Divinely Thinking, which is something Black Afrikan people lost the art of doing, which is why we are so easily deceived, abused, and misused to the advantage of the great deceiver, those who have created their God for purpose to deceive and conquer Black Afrikan people.

Because the people on this Earth who have lost their original Divine mind, are those people who is the only people qualified to bring order and peace to this Hellish world today, they are those Divine Black Beings with the potential of becoming one again with the nature of the Elements that give life to all that live in physical form.

You Black Afrikan people, are the only people qualified to collect our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, because with a oneness of Mind flowing through the corridors of your Brain, make impossibility to not apply to such a quality of Mind we once was in possession of, and can be again, a mind that once functioned Divinely in Black people, and can be again.

Beloved, I Remain Available To You Black Afrikans People, you Who Do Not Function With The Mental Ego Of Selfishness And Jealousy.

Divine Respect


Chief Elder
Pan Afrikan Inter'National Movement
Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement
All Rights Reserved@2014

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