Wednesday, July 16, 2014

There Can Be No Honest Attempt To Discuss The Issue Of Race By Attempting To Circumvent The Topic Of Reparation

There Can Be No Honest Attempt To Discuss The Issue Of Race, By Attempting To Circumvent The Topic Of Reparation!!!

By Chief Elder Osiris

The issue of Race has caused the world to go into a disguise that reveal their hypocrisy when attempting to appear honest in a discussion on and about Race relationship, which reveal that there is a definite disconnect from being honestly sincere when the issue of Racism is the discussion taking place.
Whether it is intentional or not, Racism is misconstrued to be any form of alluding to Race in a critical identifying way, which nullify and prevent the issue of Race from being addressed appropriately and sincerely honest, because many time what is label as Racism is not, and you most certainly have a Racial disagreement without the discussion being Racist in tone and intent.
Therefore, to be intolerant with the spirit of people with a different pigment in shade, based upon your tolerance of people of ant ethnic, and you happen to be of a lighter or Darker pigment shade that the person of people you are showing an intolerance toward, such a spirit being displayed is not that of a Racist behavior.
Yet, it is a act of Racism to try and misdefine the act of Racism, by broadening the action of your behavior to include it to be an act of Racism if you are white and I am Black and there is a disagreement between the two about the way a spirit is being expressed one toward the other.
Racial disagreement does not constitute an act of Racism, to be Racist carry a specific qualification to be so, and everyday low class Racial various groups, does not fit the profile of being a Racist, because Racism indicate power, authority, control over those with a difference in Racial appearance and it reveal an act to disrespect and dominate for the purpose tom exploit for personal gain and enjoyment, such is the spirit that reflect a True Racist.
So, all of this talk about Racism is not about Racism, but is about Racial differences and behavior, mislabel to be that of the commission of a Racist expressed act, when it is not, and for those who present themselves to be educated intelligent and misrepresent the spirit of Racism by implying Racial disagreement is that of Racism, have me to know that you are not as intelligent as you present yourself to be, or you intentially mislead the public whom the Rich and powerful influence every day, to mischaracterize Racial dissent as being an act of being Racist, and it is not.
The same with the act of being prejudice, which is not the same as being Racist, even though all act of prejudice is not justified, the same is true about the act of being prejudice is not always based upon Racism, though it may be based upon Racial distinctive behavior TOWARD A DIFFERENT AFRIkAN ETHNIC GROUP, which mean that there are some prejudice that is justified and unjustified, and Black Afrikan people with our prejudice toward those with a history of oppressing Black Afrikan people, because of the difference in our ethnic appearance, is in fact justified with the prejudice we have toward such people.
Not so with white, Jewish, and Arab people, their action of behavior toward Black Afrikan people was and is motivated based upon what their Ancestors who were and is Racist, indoctrinated their children to believe about Black Afrikan people, which is that Black people are inferior to white and light pigmented people, yet the prejudice expressed toward Black people by white people of a rank and file level, such expression by them is not a Racist expression, but is a Racial expression about Black Afrikan people.
So, as long as the wealthy and powerful allow the misrepresentation of Racism to be believed by that world with a Racist reputation toward Black Afrikan people, then Racism as an issue to be intelligently discussed, honestly and sincerely, will not take place, and Lucifer the Human Being have no intention for Racism to have its day in the court of Justice, it being a Mind that Think Divinely and Know what constitute the action of Racism, the evil crown America, Britian, the Vatican and Portugal wear today, and will remain to wear until the topic of Reparation is honestly addressed and paid to our Enslaved Ancestors.
The reason why the Racist elements that was responsible for the construction of the institution of Chattel Slavery, avoid the presence of Reparation, is because there can not be an acknowledgement of Reparation without addressing the evil of Chattel Slavery, and today, the true Racist among us in the world today, refuse to be honest and sincere when pretending to have a dialogue about Racism.
There can be no dialogue about Racism without addressing the action of Chattel,Slavery and the topic of Reparation, so al, this pretense going on among white folks making claim that they do no longer have a Racist desire to be acted out against Black Afrikan people, most who make such a claim is telling the truth, but they can not make the same statement about their state of mind about not having unjustified prejudice belief about Black people, such an act is not Racist, just Racial based upon an indoctrinated belief about Black Afrikan people.
The Topic of Reparation bring out the Racism and unjustified prejudice white people have against Black Afrikan people, and it is Reparation that uncover the hypocrisy of those people making claim that they are color blind, and yet their Racism and Prejudice is revealed whenever the topic of Reparation come to the forefront of the discussion on Race.
Reparation condemn both white and Black people in their discussion on Race, it reveal the dishonesty among them all, when the issue of Race is being talked about, but never reasonably and Rationally discussed by those making claim not to have Race as a hindrance to the way they believe about Black Afrikan people.
Divine Respect
Chief Elder
Pan Afrikan Inter'National Movement
Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement
All Rights Reserved@2014

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